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Earth Day, every day!

I intentionally did not post an Earth Day blog on April 22. I always believe that we should celebrate Earth Day every day and often people feel some guilt about their environmental footprint on Earth Day and conveniently forget about it the next day. So I am here the day after Earth Day to make you feel a bit inconvenient. It’s ok. Learning and growth often happen in discomfort zones.

There are ways we are addressing this problem.

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Sharing is loving

I introduced to you Balagon Cultural Creatives in a previous post and I also mentioned that come to Earth Day, our first event would be a free market. We called it Tao Tao, literally meaning people giving, our version of free market economy. Well, the very next day, I promptly wrote the city mayor regarding the event. I’m posting the letter here since it explains much about the BC Creatives and the event we wanted to hold.
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An inconvenient path

In honor of the graduation of 1,000 new climate leaders this week, I again watched the Academy Award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth (AIT).

I first watched AIT for free in a mall on Earthday of 2007, and a few more times after. The very first time I saw the movie, I was truly startled, but my reaction would be best described as a combination of anger and despair. I felt it was unfair for people to suffer so much when they contribute so little to carbon pollution. And I felt so helpless, feeling that there was nothing I could do to help solve such a gargantuan crisis.

Having been in the environmental sector led me to an opportunity to understand climate change a little more and to help others gain the same understanding.


Fellow climate leaders pose with Al Gore after his day-long slideshow presentation and detailed discussion (Jakarta 2011)

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