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This Lent, watch Our Planet

Learn more about the documentary here

I was born and raised in the Catholic tradition, but as I grow as a person I have ventured away from the Church and its outward ways. I have tried to seek other teachings and continue to seek, not intending to leave what I grew up in but to grow in what I learn from outside. I have also been a self-confessed environmentalist for most of my life and I don’t find anything in both that contradict each other. Rather, I find what is common, and try to understand that. Needless to say, I don’t find myself bound by age-old traditions, rituals, or otherwise.

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The persecution of love

slide6The other day, I received a text message from my staff Jhoann that had a lot of hearts I Love You’s. It said Happy National I Love You Day. I thought it was cute. But I can name more than a handful of people who would scoff at it. Worse, maybe more than half the world thinks it is meaningless and petty. And maybe for many good reasons. I love you has become a fad, a meaningless phrase casually said with nary a thought.

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